Sangli Vegetable Price Today

Vegetable Rates in Sangli Today –

The complete list of all vegetable prices is available on our website. Our website provides daily updates on vegetable prices regularly. The current rate of vegetables in Sangli and nearby markets is updated here.

We can find healthy vegetables only from the local vegetable market. Because after harvesting they are taken directly from farmland to the local vegetable market. Local vendors from the nearby neighborhood directly come for selling their product, which is cheap, organic and very fresh.

Sangli Vegetables Rate Today

Variety Weight Rate
Onion Small (pyaaj chhota) 1 Kg 40.00
Onion Big (bada pyaaj) 1 Kg 18.00
turnip (shalajam) 1 Kg 25.00
Beetroot (chukandar) 1 Kg 40.00
Bitter Gourd (karela) 1 Kg 50.00
Bottle Gourd (laukee) 1 Kg 20.00
Bangalore Tomato (baingalor tamaatar) 1 Kg 7.00
Ladies Finger (bhindee) 1 Kg 40.00
Mint (pudeena) 1 Bunch 15.00
Beans (phaliyaan) 1 Kg 30.00
Brinjal (baingan) 1 Kg 30.00
Broad Beans (vyaapak sem) 1 Kg 30.00
Cabbage (patta gobhee) 1 Kg 25.00
Cauliflower (phoolagobhee) 1 Piece 30.00
Chayote (chaayot) 1 Kg 35.00
Colocasia (aalukee) 1 Kg 20.00
Coriander Leaves (dhaniye ke patte) 1 Bunch 10.00
Cucumber (kheera) 1 Kg 30.00
Capsicum (shimala mirch) 1 Kg 60.00
Carrot (gaajar) 1 Kg 40.00
Drumstick (dhol ka chhadee) 1 Kg 50.00
Ginger (adarak) 1 Kg 20.00
Plantain Stem (plaantain stem) 1 Piece 10.00
Potato (aloo) 1 Kg 20.00
Pumpkin (kaddoo) 1 Kg 20.00
Green Chili (haree mirch) 1 Kg 40.00
Green Plantain (hara paudha) 1 Piece 10.00
Plantain Flower (kela phool) 1 Kg 20.00
Radish (moolee) 1 Kg 30.00
Tapioca (taipioka) 1 Kg 30.00
Tomato (tamaatar) 1 Kg 6
Yam (rataaloo) 1 Kg 50.00
Ridge Gourd (toree) 1 Kg 20.00
Scarlet Gourd (skaaralet laukee) 1 Kg 25.00
Snake Gourd (chichinda) 1 Kg 40.00
Sweet Potato (shakarakand) 1 Kg 25.00

Importance of Vegetable

Vegetables are important sources of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, dietary minerals and fiber, Carbohydrates and folic acid. Eating vegetables lower the risk of coronary heart disease and it helps to maintain healthy blood pressure, which can ensure overall good health. Almost huge percentage of the world’s production of vegetables occurs in Asia,that too mostly in India and China, which produces over half of its vegetables.

Benefits of Vegetable Market

  • Farm Fresh Vegetables
  • Organic Vegetables
  • Seasonal and Ripe
  • Nutritious and Taste Good
  • Affordable

Disclaimer: provides Vegetable Rates as per the best resource available in respective city market

Vegetable Price in Other Cities/Districts:


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  80. Using feedback from public consultations, the Government concluded the four principles are best served by a competitive private model for the wholesale/distribution and retail sale of non-medicinal cannabis in Saskatchewan. This model minimizes the upfront cost to taxpayers. It has been successful in other jurisdictions in combating the illegal market. It protects public health and safety by ensuring a safe regulated supply of cannabis. The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) will act as the regulator. For more information, you can visit the SLGA website. This recent study released in May suggests that Canadians remain supportive of legalized cannabis, but their enthusiasm for legalized cannabis and edibles has dropped in recent months. Health Canada has restricted the amount of THC that can be present in edibles, extracts and topicals, while also restricting the use of other ingredients that make the new products more attractive. Plain packaging and warning labels will make the products less appealing and child-resistant packaging is mandatory.
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  84. For pain treatment however, the evidence for cannabis hasn’t looked wonderful. This 2015 review found evidence for use of low dose cannabis for neuropathic pain, but not for other pain. This 2018 Cochrane review states that the use of cannabis for “chronic neuropathic pain might be outweighed by their potential harms.” With marijuana now being legalized all within Canada, it is important to know its effects on your beloved pets. We all know it is a popular recreational (and human medicinal) plant smoked and consumed by millions of people throughout the world. Unfortunately, humans can sometimes absentmindedly leave these products in locations accessible to their curious pets, leading to ingestion. Regardless of how your dog’s marijuana ingestion occurs, you should always seek veterinary advice. “Because the potency of marijuana is variable and the amount in edibles is not regulated by a regulatory agency, it is very hard to know exactly how much a dog has ingested,” explains Dr. Meola. “With that said, we also do not know a toxic or fatal dose when inhaled or ingested, so it is always best to have a pet evaluated.”
    In order to become a Licensed Producer in Canada you will be required to be in compliance with the applicable Acts and Regulations, the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) and Good Production Practices (GPP). You will also be required to complete an application to become a Licensed Producer and undergo an on-site audit from Health Canada. Motagon is the cannabis subsidiary of international Czech pharmaceutical company, HEATON Group, and a joint venture with KOMAND Consulting. We also have decades of academic research experience and can help  you develop safe and efficient cannabis products.      “Regardless of regulatory constraints and other challenges, the industry has a promising future. In addition, regulations are changing to address the public’s challenges and needs. Health Canada continues to improve and streamline the licensing procedure by offering more guidance and speeding up the process.” 

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  87. Only Health Canada retains the authority to issue permits or grant exemptions to import or export cannabis. They do so under very limited circumstances and for limited purposes: medical, scientific or industrial hemp. For importers with the Health Canada granted authority, please refer to Customs Notice 18-19 on calculating cannabis duty. Browse our menus. Pre-order online. Pick up at your local Windy City Cannabis. Dispensaries may not be: U.S. Department of Justice “Formal Medical Marijuana Guidelines” October 9, 2009. TSA’s screening procedures are focused on security and are designed to detect potential threats to aviation and passengers. Accordingly, TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other illegal drugs, but if any illegal substance is discovered during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer.
    Under Ontario’s regulatory model, the AGCO has been given the responsibility of licensing eligible retail store operators, authorizing cannabis retail stores and regulating the sale of cannabis. The AGCO’s focus is on the safe, responsible and lawful sale of cannabis, consistent with the legislation enacted by the provincial government. Its regulatory objectives are to ensure that the retail sale of cannabis in Ontario is carried out with honesty, integrity and in the public interest as set out in the Cannabis Licence Act, its regulations and the Registrar’s Standards for Cannabis Retail Stores. There are many other lounges and cafes in Canada, but most of them try to keep a lower profile. When you’re traveling, the best thing to do is ask nearby fellow smokers if they are aware of any lounges that are great to visit in the area.

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  1667. Semenax® Was Clinically Superior To Placebo In Improving Ejaculate Volume And The Intensity

  1668. Sugar Defender is a natural supplement that helps control blood sugar levels, lower the risk of diabetes, improve heart health, and boost energy.

  1669. FitSpresso is a natural dietary supplement designed to help with weight loss and improve overall health. It contains ingredients that have been studied clinically, which work together to promote healthy fat burning and enhance your metabolism!

  1670. KeraBiotics is a meticulously-crafted natural formula designed to help people dealing with nail fungus. This solution, inspired by a sacred Amazonian barefoot tribe ritual, reintroduces good bacteria that help you maintain the health of your feet while rebuilding your toenails microbiome. This will create a protective shield for your skin and nails.

  1671. Sugar Defender is a natural supplement that helps control blood sugar levels, lower the risk of diabetes, improve heart health, and boost energy.

  1672. SightCare formula aims to maintain 20/20 vision without the need for any surgical process. This supplement is a perfect solution for people facing issues as they grow older.

  1673. The most talked about weight loss product is finally here! FitSpresso is a powerful supplement that supports healthy weight loss the natural way. Clinically studied ingredients work synergistically to support healthy fat burning, increase metabolism and maintain long lasting weight loss.

  1674. Erectonol is a potent male health formula that has been garnering a lot of hype. This stamina and strength booster is developed with a combination of potent extracts.

  1675. Glucotil supports healthy blood sugar levels with a proprietary blend of 12 powerful tropical nutrients and plants that are backed by clinical research.

  1676. Illuderma is a serum designed to deeply nourish, clear, and hydrate the skin. The goal of this solution began with dark spots, which were previously thought to be a natural symptom of ageing. The creators of Illuderma were certain that blue modern radiation is the source of dark spots after conducting extensive research.

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  1686. AeroSlim is a potent solution designed to increase your Metabolic Respiration rate, giving you all the help you need to start breathing out that stubborn fat.

  1687. Boostaro is a dietary supplement designed specifically for men who suffer from health issues.

  1688. SonoFit ear drops are a serum formulated with high-quality herbs and natural ingredients. It can help people who suffer from tinnitus, which is an unpleasant ringing in the ears.

  1689. Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a powerful weight loss supplement that has been designed using the best ingredients and techniques. It is not only helpful in triggering the process of fat-burning but also helps in ensuring a range of major health benefits

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  1707. BalMorex Pro is an exceptional solution for individuals who suffer from chronic joint pain and muscle aches. With its 27-in-1 formula comprised entirely of potent and natural ingredients, it provides unparalleled support for the health of your joints, back, and muscles.

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  1709. Peak BioBoost is a revolutionary dietary supplement that leverages the power of nature to support and improve your digestive system.

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  1711. GutOptim is a digestive health supplement designed to support your gut and stomach. It restore balance in gut flora and reduce the symptoms of digestive disorders.

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  1713. Burn Boost Powder™ is a proven weight loss powder drink that helps to lose weight and boosts the overall metabolism in the body.

  1714. NanoDefense Pro utilizes a potent blend of meticulously chosen components aimed at enhancing the wellness of both your nails and skin.

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  1717. TestRX™ is a bodybuilding supplement. It’s formulated with high-quality natural ingredients proven to boost natural testosterone and stimulate muscle growth.

  1718. Dentitox Pro is a liquid dietary solution created as a serum to support healthy gums and teeth. Dentitox Pro formula is made in the best natural way with unique, powerful botanical ingredients that can support healthy teeth.

  1719. Sugar Balance is an ultra-potent blood sugar supplement that you can use to help control glucose levels, melt away fat and improve your overall health.

  1720. Vivo Tonic is a remarkable blood sugar support nutritional supplement that offers a wide range of benefits.

  1721. Progenifix is designed to help maximize weight loss results using a mixture of natural, science-backed ingredients. The formula also has secondary benefits, including promoting overall wellness and vitality and assisting your immune system.

  1722. AquaPeace is an all-natural nutritional formula that uses a proprietary and potent blend of ingredients and nutrients to improve overall ear and hearing health and alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus.

  1723. FoliPrime is a simple serum containing a blend of vitamins designed to boost hair health. FoliPrime has 100 percent natural substances that enhance and supplement the vitamins in the scalp to promote hair growth.

  1724. Neuro-Thrive is a brain health supplement that claims to promote good memory and thinking skills and better quality sleep. This nootropic supplement achieves its cause with its potent blend of natural compounds and extracts that are proven to be effective in sharpening mental acuity.

  1725. The ProNail Complex is a meticulously-crafted natural formula which combines extremely potent oils and skin-supporting vitamins.

  1726. Erectin is a clinically-proven dietary supplement designed to enhance male

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  1728. PowerBite stands as an innovative dental candy, dedicated to nurturing healthy teeth and gums. Infused with a potent formula, it champions the cause of a robust and radiant smile. Crafted meticulously

  1729. Protoflow is a prostate health supplement featuring a blend of plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, fruit extracts, and more.

  1730. Boostaro is a dietary supplement designed specifically for men who suffer from health issues.

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  1732. Zoracel is an extraordinary oral care product designed to promote healthy teeth and gums, provide long-lasting fresh breath, support immune health, and care for the ear, nose, and throat.

  1733. Cerebrozen is an excellent liquid ear health supplement purported to relieve tinnitus and improve mental sharpness, among other benefits. The Cerebrozen supplement is made from a combination of natural ingredients, and customers say they have seen results in their hearing, focus, and memory after taking one or two droppers of the liquid solution daily for a week.

  1734. The human body can continue to live thanks to the correct functioning of certain systems. If even one of these systems does not work properly, it can cause problems in human life.

  1735. Zeneara is marketed as an expert-formulated health supplement that can improve hearing and alleviate tinnitus, among other hearing issues.

  1736. Pineal XT is a revolutionary supplement that promotes proper pineal gland function and energy levels to support healthy body function.

  1737. Introducing TerraCalm, a soothing mask designed specifically for your toenails. Unlike serums and lotions that can be sticky and challenging to include in your daily routine, TerraCalm can be easily washed off after just a minute.

  1738. VidaCalm is an all-natural blend of herbs and plant extracts that treat tinnitus and help you live a peaceful life.

  1739. Gorilla Flow prostate is an all-natural dietary supplement for men which aims to decrease inflammation in the prostate to decrease common urinary tract issues such as frequent and night-time urination, leakage, or blocked urine stream.

  1740. Keravita Pro™ is a dietary supplement created by Benjamin Jones that effectively addresses nail fungus and hair loss, promoting the growth of healthier and thicker nails and hair. The formula is designed to target the underlying causes of these health issues and provide comprehensive treatment.

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